When you addressing me in BDSM place, you will call me "Master".
When you addressing me in social places (not BDSM) you will call me normally (Not all people need to know our BDSM Lifestyle. Like we said in French "Vivons heureux, Vivons caché". When you adressing someone else in BDSM place you will call them "Sir" or "Miss". In Social places, same as above.
I will call you "My Little Thing".
You will always remember the IMPORTANCE of the SAFEWORD. You will use it ANYTIME is necessary, ANYTIME you feel bad or scared.
Every weekend, we will talk about the week, you will have a moment to say everything you want. It will be our time to express our feelings.
if you feel upset, if you feel sad, if you feel uncomfortable, you should try to talk about it.
While Distant Rules
standing orders.
- The journal
Discipline and punishments , Social contacts.
every day rituals, messages, collar and toys, shaving, kneeling, diet
My Master is reviewing the rules, changes them if neccessary. Thank you, Sir.